June 2014 archive

Sri Guru Gita – 30 June 2014 – Episode 190

Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/sri-guru-gita-30-june-2014-episode-190/

Healing sounds softly float into the heart from the cosmos ~ CD – Celestial Message ~ 30 June 2014

Celestial Message

Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/healing-sounds-softly-float-into-the-heart-from-the-cosmos-cd-celestial-message-30-june-2014/

Music (Gujarati) ~ 29 June 2014


Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/music-gujarati-29-june-2014/

Sri Guru Gita – 29 June 2014 – Episode 189

Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/sri-guru-gita-29-june-2014-episode-189/

African Grey is the aristocrat amongst parrots ~ Parrots – Congo African Grey ~ 29 June 2014

african gray

Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/african-grey-is-the-aristocrat-amongst-parrots-parrots-congo-african-grey-29-june-2014/

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