April 2015 archive

The Sun destroys foes and dispels fears ~ Datta Kriya Yoga – Surya Namaskara Step 8 – 30 Apr 2015


Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/the-sun-destroys-foes-and-dispels-fears-datta-kriya-yoga-surya-namaskara-step-8-30-apr-2015/

Cow dung is the only excrement that cleanses and purifies ~ Ayurveda – Cow Dung ~ 29 April 2015


Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/cow-dung-is-the-only-excrement-that-cleanses-and-purifies-ayurveda-cow-dung-29-april-2015/

Blessing every being that has taken birth shows the universality of unconditional love~Ashrama-366 Birthday Pillars~28 Apr 2015


Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/blessing-every-being-that-has-taken-birth-shows-the-universality-of-unconditional-loveashrama-366-birthday-pillars28-apr-2015/

Levitating holy sages have built-in magnetic force ~ Vishwam – Magnetic Globe ~ 27 April 2015


Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/levitating-holy-sages-have-built-in-magnetic-force-vishwam-magnetic-globe-27-april-2015/

Vedas will yield their treasured secrets to selfless seekers ~ Dharma – I-SERVE ~ 26 April 2015


Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/vedas-will-yield-their-treasured-secrets-to-selfless-seekers-dharma-i-serve-26-april-2015/

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