April 2015 archive

The Sun rises and sets, whether or not one absorbs the rays~Datta Kriya Yoga 34-Surya Namaskara Step 5-Khagaya Namaha~3 Apr 2015


Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/the-sun-rises-and-sets-whether-or-not-one-absorbs-the-raysdatta-kriya-yoga-34-surya-namaskara-step-5-khagaya-namaha3-apr-2015/

Like good advice, initially the fruit tastes sour but slowly the sweet taste emerges~Ayurveda–Amalaka-Gooseberry ~ 2 Apr 2015


Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/like-good-advice-initially-the-fruit-tastes-sour-but-slowly-the-sweet-taste-emergesayurveda-amalaka-gooseberry-2-apr-2015/

A wondrous sight to behold ~ Ashrama – Viswaroopa Dattatreya Kshetram at Ganagapura ~ 1 Apr 2015


Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/a-wondrous-sight-to-behold-ashrama-viswaroopa-dattatreya-kshetram-at-ganagapura-1-apr-2015/

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