July 2015 archive

Striking colors are the specialty of several parrot species ~ Parrots – Red-winged Parrot ~ 11 July 2015


Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/striking-colors-are-the-specialty-of-several-parrot-species-parrots-red-winged-parrot-11-july-2015/

Kshetra Darshana (Telugu) ~ 11 July 2015


Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/kshetra-darshana-telugu-11-july-2015/

Mudras yield numerous health benefits if practiced systematically~Datta Kriya Yoga-Pranayama Mudra 4-Madhyama Mudra~10 July 2015


Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/mudras-yield-numerous-health-benefits-if-practiced-systematicallydatta-kriya-yoga-pranayama-mudra-4-madhyama-mudra10-july-2015/

Hanuman loves wearing garlands of Vadas ~ Ayurveda – Satvic recipe – Vada ~ 9 July 2015


Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/hanuman-loves-wearing-garlands-of-vadas-ayurveda-satvic-recipe-vada-9-july-2015/

Each SGS Ashrama glows with a radiance enriched by the local culture ~ Ashrama – Surat Ashrama ~ 8 July 2015


Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/each-sgs-ashrama-glows-with-a-radiance-enriched-by-the-local-culture-ashrama-surat-ashrama-8-july-2015/

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