Apr 24 2014
Audio Lectures ~ Yoga Vasista Hrudaya Pravachanamulu (MP3)
Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/audio-lectures-yoga-vasista-hrudaya-pravachanamulu-mp3/
Apr 24 2014
Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/audio-lectures-yoga-vasista-hrudaya-pravachanamulu-mp3/
Jaya Guru Datta ! The introduction to atma Vidya is simply superb. I feel that it can be introduced in some of the Universities atleast to propagate the benefits of posing a question to the self ” who am I ” the point that this kind of thinking aids as a stress releasing factor is very true ! The present stresses and strained minds of Scientists and Researchers need to ponder over Atma Vidya ! Pranams at the lotus feet of Sadguru !
Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu Gururdevo Maheswaraha
Guru Sakshaat Parabrahma Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha||