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  1. Small beginnings ~ 19 July 2012 — 85 comments
  2. sgs — 81 comments
  3. Purpose in Life ~ 18 July 2012 — 77 comments
  4. Bad thoughts ~ 23 July 2012 — 77 comments
  5. Your weaknesses ~ 26 July 2012 — 76 comments

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Danger hangs on the heads of those who are slaves to sensory objects ~ 5 May 2013

Nandana SGS MMS 340

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Does God benefit if you chant his name? No you do ~ 4 May 2013

Nandana SGS MMS 339

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Caste, position, fame, power and wealth should be surrendered to earn Guru’s grace ~ 3 May 2013

Nandana SGS MMS 338

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Even if torn, clothing looks attractive if it is clean ~ 2 May 2013

Nandana SGS MMS 337

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An expert shows his talent through his actions, not words ~ 1 May 2013

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