Sep 13 2013
Language of conscience (English) ~ September 14, 2013
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Jaya Guru Datta Sri Appaji_/\_!!
Jaya Guru Datta!!!!
Jaya Guru Datta! Even to a person who doesn’t believe in God, the conscience acts as God, instinctively telling right from wrong. God created Nature, which nourishes us, He equipped us with intellect and conscience that act as our guides and He gave us the capacity to carry out our duties. Yet, He realized we needed more help. So, He came to us in form of a Sathguru. He vocalized for us what our conscience tells us. All these messages are aimed at making us purer so we can hear the voice of our conscience, the voice of God, the voice of our Sathguru.
May we never ignore the voice of conscience for our convenience. Our conscience is a gift given by our Sathguru. Obeisances at the Holy Lotus Feet!