Nandana SGS MMS 37
Jul 06 2012
Respect all Religions ~ 6 July 2012
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Jul 06 2012
Nandana SGS MMS 37
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Respect all Religions :
As different streams having different sources all mingle their waters in the sea, so different religions , various though they appear, meandering or straight, all lead to god… Each religion depicts the truth in different ways .. Yet truth remains the same.. So, when the ultimate destination is the same , why bother which path you took..? As it sung , Tu hi Raam hai, tu rahim hai , tu karim Krishna Khuda tu hi, tu hi vaaheguru …
Jai Guru Datta PapaGod, will take your advice, religions are many but God is one.
Jaya Guru Datta Appaji… Wonderful video with a great message that Appaji has been teaching the devotees, in practice, daily. We will all follow Appaji…
Jaya Guru Datta Sri. Puttuji !!!! OM NAMO HANUMATE NAMAH !!!!!! Sree Guru Datta !!!!
we should all remember this
lakshmi perni
Nice advice! Our very close friends and relatives are of different religions, so its very good advice! Om Namo Hanumate Namaha!
Jaya Guru Datta !! Om Namo Hanumathe Namah !!
jgd since all religions teach us humanity, let us follow Sri Swami ji’s advice by respecting all The other religions and have a strong belief in The religion we are born in om namo hanumate namaha sgd
jai guru datta.thank u appaji
jai guru datt.thank u appaji
Jaya Guru Datta Sri Appaji: this is a meaningful depiction of the theme of the message to respect all religions. You have showed us that: for us your devotees: to seek to see that all religions are represented in you, to us you are our saviour. You mean in quite internally by the way you are depicted in the MMS. That sense of one-ness all pervading in the entire cosmos, beyond religions to the entire forces of mother nature.
Jaya Guru Datta! Sri Swamiji is one of the very few spiritual leaders that respects and welcomes people of all religions. As always, Sri Swamiji leads by example, celebrating festivals from around the world and inviting spiritual leaders of various faiths to the Ashrama. Lord Datta responds to people from all faiths, even to devotees of other Gurus. He is the source of everything and in to Him everything will dissolve. May we always remember this message. Obeisances to the Holy Lotus Feet!
Jaya Guru Hanuman, We will follow this message Swamiji……….All religions are different paths that lead us to the one God…..we should follow our religion but should never criticize other religions………Only by understand and embracing other religions we can have universal brotherhood…..Om namo hanumate namaha
Geliebter SWAMIJI, DU sagst: ”music is my religion” und gibst uns damit eine wunderbare Brücke zu allen Religionen. Damit machst DU es uns einfacher, einen Zugang zu finden.
Beautiful message to be followed by all of us to have peace and harmony in society. All religions teach us humanity and path towards almighty. Like different sweets can be prepared from same sugar, different religions are for welfare of people. Let us all follow this beautiful message. May lord bless us all to understand and experience almighty who is in different forms and can reach HIM through different paths called religion.