Nandana SGS MMS 10
Jun 09 2012
Time is a treasure ~ 9 June 2012
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Jun 09 2012
Nandana SGS MMS 10
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Time is a treasure : I reflect on how much my Guru has achieved for the sake of his devotees in a single lifetime. I reflect on the innumerable souls that find peace and solace in His divinity. I reflect on the ruthless discipline with which my Guru enacts His will. My Guru is my role model ! He demonstrates how one must extract value from every minute !. Dear Appaji, Give me the power of concentration so that I never deviate my attention from the task at hand. Let me not waste a single moment.. Let me turn every moment into accomplishment. Pranams to you, my role model! Pranams to you, my Master! Jgd..your PuttuGam..
Jaya Guru Hanuman, Please bless us with strength to use the time only for cultivating Guru Bhakti and Guru Seva. Om namo hanumate namaha
JGDD Appaji…It is unfortunate that we do not realize until we grow older the truth of Your message…time is a treasure… for the next moment is not promised…the lesson…be in the moment…thank You for this beautiful reminder…SGDD
life is gift of GOD by the time we relaise our days are numbered. give us concentration to be focused on guru deva
sadguru bless too think only you only you. manasa ,vacha, karmena
Wir haben unseren Kompass. Wir kennen unser Ziel. Lasst uns unsere Reise machen ohne Zeitverschwendung.
Danke APPAJI für diese müpfige Botschaft.
Time only is spent and is irreversible, so once passed by days can’t be regained. Time is very precious because it can be used for constructive or destructive purpose. Spending time for constructive purpose for ourselves will be the best way of utilising time, else one may have to repent for wasting time after loosing time, energy, confidence and age. May lord bless us all to utilise the time as treasure to improve ourselves and not to waste time.
jgd Parmatma You are time also, i must value You and realize You with in the time allotted to me, thanks for loving warning Gurudeva ji onhn sgd