Sri Guru Gita – 18 May 2014 – Episode 147

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  1. Jaya Guru Datta Pujya Appaji_/\_!!
    Humble Pranams at the Lotus feet of Our Sri Vedaraksaka Sadgurudeva_/\_!!

  2. Jai Guru Datta Swamiji.

    • Rama Krishna Reddy on May 21, 2014 at 10:19 am

    Jaya Guru Datta! Harih Om Tatsat || Om Sri Sri Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Datta Sadgurubhyo Namo Namah ||Om Dram Dattatreya Parabrahmane Namo Namah || Shivaya Gurave Namah || Thanks for the Divine teachings of Sri Guru Gita and blessed Darshana.Sri Guru Gita.

    • Archana Penukonda on January 31, 2016 at 12:38 am

    Jaya Guru Datta. English summary:

    The fascinating Guru Principle has been described in the Guru Gita. We are being instructed to think about and visualize every sentence, every description in the Guru Gita. How long should one go on thinking about it? Until one reaches the stage where he has no thoughts. This stage is the highest level for thoughts. In that state, there is nothing to think about, because both have become one. The process is nothing something that can be described, nor is the state something that can be described.

    Everyone says, “I have nothing in my mind. My mind is very calm”. When you say that, it means that your mind has not become calm . People keep saying all the time, “I am living for Swamiji”, “I am living for Swamiji”, “I am living for Swamiji”. When they say that is when you know that they are not living for Swamiji, but for themselves. Then, they keep reminding others, “I have nothing in my mind, I have no thoughts”. Such people have thoughts running like bullet trains. It’s a clear sign that your mind hasn’t become still. When one says, “I have nothing in my mind”, it means there is something in their mind. If you actually reach the state where your mind is calm, you will not say that your mind is calm. One who has actually attained this state, will look like an ordinary worldly man to the outside world, but will have a completely still mind inside. Such a person would have attained the state that either one of the 64 Gurus of Lord Dattatreya did. It means that he cannot announce his state to the world. He won’t talk about whether he’s achieved that state or whether he is already in that state or whether he is going to achieve that state. He won’t talk about any of these.

    Some practicants say, “Oh what a bliss! I attained that state of bliss”. True. He did achieve a great state, but the Sadguru always knows what state the disciple is in. If the disciple is talking about his bliss, it is obvious that he is still a practicant, that he has not climbed the final step and that he still needs to continue his spiritual practice. But, ordinary beings who are not aware of this are in awe of this seeker and fall at his feet to offer salutations. That makes the seeker fal from his Yogic state. A lot of people may praise this seeker, “You are so devoted, you are such a senior devotee, you have been following Guru for so many years, you’ve dedicated all your wealth and belongings to Guru, your service is exemplary”. Such praise marks the beginning of the downfall of that seeker. The seeker feels proud and falls from his Yogic state. A true disciple should disregard such praise and stay away from such people. He should not engage in discussion with such people. But, the disciple wants this discussion, because he wants to know about these unnecessary things, he wants to know of things that don’t even concern him, he has to make up things and talk about them, he gains a sense of security in engaging in these discussion with these people and eventually falls from his Yogic state. Ego takes over. Let’s find out about the state of such a person.

    To avoid that state, you should all study Guru Gita and reach that state of no thoughts and ultimately climb the final step. That is why, let’s see what Lord Siva is teaching us here.

    Jaya Guru Datta. Sri Guru Datta.

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