April 3, 2017 archive

Does Swamiji disapprove non-vegetarian food?

Killing animals for food is violence (himsa). It is both egoistic and demonic. In certain unavoidable situations, consuming meat is not a sin. But under normal circumstances, why should another being be killed for food? In extremely cold countries, a little quantity of alcohol may be used medicinally, but it does not mean that unlimited consumption of alcohol is approved.

-Glimpses of Bhaktimala 4

Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/does-swamiji-disapprove-non-vegetarian-food/

Does food influence the behaviour of the person?

Yes, the behaviour of the person is dependent upon the kind of food he/she consumes. Swamiji disapproves of non-vegetarian food. Non-vegetarian food prevents the entry of good vibrations into the person.

When all the nutrition necessary for the survival of a human being is found in vegetarian food, why should a person seek non-vegetarian food? As the non-vegetarian food contains far more valuable nutrition than that which is required for human survival, it increases the inertia (tamasic qualities) in the person. Thus it turns out to be detrimental to the person. Another important truth is that this universe gives every living being a right to live on this Earth. What then gives humans a right to kill another animal for their food?

-Glimpses of Bhaktimala 4

Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/does-food-influence-the-behaviour-of-the-person/

Do stars and planets really have an influence on mankind?

Yes, stars and planets do have an influence on a man’s life and on the actions performed by him. However, due to strong faith in God and through prayers and good deeds their influence on the person can be reduced. Sri Swamiji stands by such persons in the fructification of their efforts.

_Glimpses of Bhaktimala 4

Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/do-stars-and-planets-really-have-an-influence-on-mankind/

Very valuable and expensive items are put in the homa fire. Is it not a waste of money?

Isn’t consuming cigarettes and alcohol and spending our hard earned money on it a sheer waste of money?

Swamiji’s devotees contribute a very tiny portion out of their earnings towards a good cause i.e. conducting of a homa. There is absolutely no force for participation in a homa. Each devotee chooses to participate or not based on their financial status and purely on their inclination to participate in such an activity. Through this activity, both the person participating in the homa and the person who are witnessing it experience mental peace and spiritual upliftment.

The divine vibrations emanating from the homa smoke will be supremely beneficial to all of them. The inhalation of the fumes that emanate out of the burning of the specially selected herbs and tree barks and other herbal ingredients bestow good health to everyone in the vicinity.

-Glimpses of Bhaktimala 4

Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/very-valuable-and-expensive-items-are-put-in-the-homa-fire-is-it-not-a-waste-of-money/

Swamiji, was your childhood more blissful or is the present stage more blissful?

Bliss (ananda) is a state that is over and above joys and sorrows and is quite different from either of them. Bliss will always remain as bliss. It is a complete state in itself. There is nothing called greater or lesser bliss. The bliss experienced by Swamiji in his childhood, the bliss that he is experiencing now and the bliss that he will be experiencing in future are nothing but one and the same!

Purvasharama (stage prior becoming a renunciate) was the preparatory stage of life. The present is a stage of expansion. There is a relation between the two. It cannot be said that these 2 states are different from one another. One incident will be the cause for another incident. Today’s incident is the result of yesterday’s incident. Similarly today’s incidents will affect future incident. All life there will be incidents like this. Life is nothing but a sum total of all incidents. To Swamiji, bliss is one and the same. This is Sacchidananda Upanishad.

-Glimpses of Bhaktimala 4

Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/swamiji-was-your-childhood-more-blissful-or-is-the-present-stage-more-blissful/

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