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  1. Small beginnings ~ 19 July 2012 — 85 comments
  2. sgs — 81 comments
  3. Purpose in Life ~ 18 July 2012 — 77 comments
  4. Bad thoughts ~ 23 July 2012 — 77 comments
  5. Your weaknesses ~ 26 July 2012 — 76 comments

Author's posts

Whether you travel outward with pure love or inward with detachment, liberation is attained ~ 26 Feb 2013

Nandana SGS MMS 272

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If you beg for guidance from the Guru, your prayer will be answered ~ 25 Feb 2013

Nandana SGS MMS 271

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The whole world is created and sustained by God and not men ~ 24 Feb 2013

Nandana SGS MMS 270

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Lust is the most dangerous vice ~ 23 Feb 2013

Nandana SGS MMS 269

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In whose presence your heart experiences an indefinable peace, is your Guru ~ 22 Feb 2013

Nandana SGS MMS 268

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