Episode 46: Yudhisthira laments the disappearance of uncle Dhritarashtra; Maharishi Narada’s arrival

Yudhisthira along with his younger brothers got up and warmly welcomed Maharishi Narada and Tumbura who arrived there. They offered reverential respects to the great sages. But being drowned totally in grief, Yudhisthira could not offer Him worship.

Yudhisthira lamented, “O Narada Maharishi! I have no clue where my paternal uncle and aunt have disappeared. My paternal aunt Gāndhāri was overwhelmed by grief at the death of her dearest relatives in the war. I feel utterly helpless at not finding them.

O great saint, you are the only refuge who can help me cross this ocean of sorrow. Please guide me. I am unable to withstand this grief. Gāndhāri who was like a mother to me is not to be seen. I do not know whether they have left thisplace as they were unable to withstand the loss of their sons or whether they felt humiliated to stay with me. The truth is that even in our dreams we never ever wished them bad. They were our saviours who protected us when we were small. They have given us this gift of life. Irrespective of whether we were in the battlefield or when we were humiliated, we were firm in our belief that they were the ones who had saved us and given us life”.

Hearing this Maharishi Narada said, “O King, do not grieve for anyone. This entire world is in the control of the Supreme Lord. He, who is worshipped even by the guardian-deities of the universe, brings people together and separates them as well.

He is the relative for everyone in this universe. He could grant to a living being the life as a bird, dog, insect, cat or any other life as He pleases. In these forms he ensures that beings come together, get closely bound to each other and then separate. How strange are His plays! He uses varied permutations and combinations to unite beings and once again through different permutations and combinations He causes them to separate”.

Swamiji explains: When we meet our friends we should think, ‘How and in which method did we all meet? What were the circumstances that brought us together?’ We should try to analyse this deeply. We should thank Him, “Oh, it is purely God’s grace that we have met. Today we are able to speak to each other happily”. It could be casual friends who we meet at the bus stand or railway station. They could be mere acquaintances whom we come across during travel. Whosoever it may be, it is God who causes both the meeting and the separation! We could have met a person for just 10 minutes or we could have known him well for a decade. He could be a relative who was very dear to us throughout our life. It is God’s power of illusion (māya) that causes the meeting and it is māya that brings about the separation! 

“Weaving is an intricate art. With great dexterity the weavers handle the fine thread and bring them together to create a large piece of cloth. These weavers know the art by which this large piece of cloth can, once again, be separated into individual fine threads. Such is their dexterity! If this is the expertise that an ordinary weaver can display, then imagine the efficacy of Paramatma, who creates and dissolves entire universes?”

Swamiji explains: Every planet in this universe has been created by Him! The inter-connections between planets are also His creation. We take great pride that we humans have been able to discover and travel to newer planets. But then, all of them are part of his creation only! It is His illusion. It is He who causes a person to travel to those planets. In fact, it is He who travels to those planets, He is the journey and it is He who observes the new planets upon landing there. He is the one who declares that he has discovered a new planet. In the form of the person who has not travelled to these planets, He is the one who is astonished at this discovery of a new planet. What wonder!

The plays of the Supreme are infinite and wonderous! Without Him there is absolutely nothing a being can accomplish. By acknowledging different forms around us, we are actually acknowledging Him! That’s all. It is He whom we acknowledge as science, it is He whom we acknowledge as chemicals, it is He whom we address as Planets. What we call as atom or a sub-atomic particle is nothing but the Lord. When we combine different particles to create an object, it is Paramatma who exists in the created object. When we break the object up into sub- atomic particles, then also it is Paramatma who alone exists.

In a lump of mud, innumerable atoms exist. It is impossible to count them. Can you try to collect the entire water in the oceans? Can you count the stars in the sky?

There once was a king who wanted to know the exact number of stars in the sky. A person agreed to undertake this mammoth task. When this person arrived at the court next morning, the king enquired, “Have you counted the stars? If so, please tell me your answer”. To this the person replied, “Yes your majesty, I went to the beach last night and counted the stars. As the number is infinite, I did not use paper. Instead for every star that I counted, I threw one grain of sand. You can retrieve those grains of sand and check for yourself”. Although this story is humorous, there is truth in it.

Can anyone measure the vastness of this universe? Discovery of some planet or the other is a continuous process. Scientists have been travelling high into the skies trying to discover newer objects. But so far, none of them have travelled deeply and extensively into the oceans, which are the support for this entire earth. They are yet to locate its greatest treasures. Even a ship that sinks into the oceans cannot be traced. A flight that has sunk has not been traced until now. This explains the vastness of the universe. All this is His māya.

At the same time it is incorrect to sit inactively doing nothing, declaring that all this is happening due to His power of illusion. Efforts have to be put in the right direction to discover these objects. Due to these efforts some new knowledge will be learnt. Has anyone prohibited travelling to newer planets? Never. While travelling and discovering these new planets, acknowledge His māya. The person who travels deep into the oceans to locate the sunken ship, discovers some mountains or some other speciality in God’s creation there. Had he not travelled, he would never have noticed this creation of God.

Science has progressed significantly. But yet these scientists are acknowledging that there is something that supports all this creation from behind. They agree that some magic or some mantra supports this creation, but they have been unable to find it. Some significant force is holding together this entire creation. We should try to understand it.

When disease strikes the body we try numerous medications to drive away the disease. We try many types of external medications. But the truly wise man tries to locate the granthi (nerve) from where this disease could have originated. He investigates thoroughly and tries to see if it is possible to eliminate this granthi itself. But then his research does not progress beyond this. What will be the side effects of this action? He is unable to delve deeper beyond a limit, into this. Thus this is an infinite ocean of knowledge.

Just as a cow bound by the rope that is tied to its nose carries the belongings of its master, human beings bound by the rope called Veda, which lays down the do’s and don’ts, abide by the duties that have been laid down for their respective castes (varna) and stages of life (ashrama). In this way they abide by the orders of that Supreme Lord!

Datta. Narayana.


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Episode 45: Dhritarashtra and Gandhari leave home for forests

Vidura continued, “First step is to attain dispassion. Make a firm determination to let go of everything in life. You have a deep infatuation towards your body which in reality is ugly and despicable. You seek that you should live for a very long time. You still desire to regain your youth. You still crave for good health and enjoyments at this old age. What do you think is your age now? Why do you entertain such craving? 
He who attains dispassion giving up infatuation in totality and who without disclosing his identity gives up this useless body that does not have the capacity to even undertake righteous deeds, is a truly courageous man (dhira)! This is what our elders state. 
Dispassion should arise on its own in the person. When it arises thus it means the person has understood the temporal nature of this life. However, it is impossible for dispassion to arise on its own in the person! That rare person in whom it arises automatically is exceedingly fortunate! In normal circumstances, even after many attempts the person fails in attaining detachment. In case the person is unable to automatically attain detachment, then at least due the understanding of its importance from a Guru or from some other person, he should develop dispassion. 
He, who due to detachment, gives up his family together with all other worldly bondages, who is able to restrain the mind completely while focusing exclusively upon Srihari in his heart and thus becomes a sanyasi (parivrajaka), is said to be the greatest amongst humans! 
The future period of time is not conducive for noble beings. It will cause depletion of all good qualities in beings. Therefore, without informing your relatives of your future place of stay, now quickly proceed towards the North”.
In this manner Vidura preached Dhritarashtra. With this preaching, wisdom dawned upon the blind Dhritarashtra. He was able to see light. He was instantaneously able to cut off his attachment and infatuation towards his near and dear ones! 
This was the effect of Vidura’s final preaching! Dhritarashtra could immediately break away from all familial ties. Due to this wonderful preaching by his brother Vidura, Dhritarashtra was rid of the bondage towards home and family. What a great achievement this is! Krishna! Srihari! This is such wonderful news! 
Many times in the past Vidura had tried to cause this awakening in Dhritarashtra. But he had repeatedly failed. The blind king refused to listen. It was as if he had become deaf in addition to being blind. Now in this last attempt he was able to grasp the reality! 
To a self-respecting warrior, wounds inflicted by the opponent during a righteous war are joyful. Only such valorous warriors enter the battlefield. Likewise to a Yati, who causes joy to one and all, the Himalayas bestow happiness and joy. 
Dhritarashtra therefore left home immediately and proceeded towards the Himalayas. The chaste and kind woman Gandhāri, who was the daughter of King Subala, followed her husband who was proceeding towards the Himalayas. 
As per his usual practice, next morning Yudhisthira completed his daily Sandhya rituals and fire-worship (Agni upasana). After offering obeisance to Vedic Brahmins and giving them gingely, cows, lands and gold in charity, he entered the palace in order to offer obeisance to his elders. When he could not find Vidura, Dhritarashtra and Gāndhāri anywhere he was deeply troubled and anxious.  
He enquired of Sanjaya, the son of Gavalgana, who was present there, “Where is my blind paternal uncle? Where is my aunt Gāndhāri, who is grieving the loss of her sons? Where have they gone today? Where is Vidura, the well-wisher of everyone? He is such a revered being. Where have they all gone? 
Is it possible that some of my actions were faulty, for apart from me there is none to hurt their feelings? I hope my uncle has not jumped into the Ganga. When our father died we were still very young. When we were in this helpless situation Dhritarashtra and Vidura protected us and raised us. Where could they have now disappeared?” In this way Yudhisthira lamented.
Dhritarashtra had saved him when he was a small boy. Hence the noble Yudhisthira who was full of gratitude ensured the protection of his uncle throughout his life. 
Being extremely agitated and distressed at being unable to locate his master Dhritarashtra, Sanjaya could not even reply for a long time. Thereafter wiping his tears and composing himself a little, Sanjaya mentally offered obeisance to his master Dhritarashtra and said, “O Dharmaraja! I have no idea where Vidura and Dhritarashtra, who are father-like figures to you, have gone. I do not know what is in Gāndhāri’s mind. I do not know the place to which they have gone. They have cheated me, left me and disappeared”. 
Exactly at that minute Maharishi Narada along with Tumbura, arrived there: Narayana! Narayana!


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Episode 44: Vidura’s preaching to Dhritarashtra… contd


Life force (prāṇa) rightfully belongs to death and hence death will take it away it one day or the other. Hence vigilance in this matter is extremely important! Different persons have been allotted different life-spans, nevertheless one day or the other everyone will have to be caught by death. We do not have to put in any effort in that direction as death will come on its own and carry us away. In the form of disease, accident or some other form, it will suddenly attack and take us away even before we realize. Do not think that it is liberation. Hence we have to be extremely alert when we are living. There is a Harikatha artist who sings beautifully, “Do not wait till death. Begin to chant ‘Datta, Rama’, now itself!”

A human being is exceptionally attached of his life-force (prāna)! But when death strikes, he has no choice but to part even with it. Thus, when we have no choice but to distance ourselves from even this life-force towards which we are exceptionally attached, why should we worry about wealth, relatives and other worldly attachments which anyway are lesser in importance to it?

Vidura said to Dhritarāṣṭra, “Your fathers, brothers and other relatives are already dead. Your sons died in the battle. Dhritarashtra, why then are you still holding on tightly to this samsara? You have completed the major portion of your life. Due to your arrogance and foolishness, you have lost everyone who was dear to you. What is it that is left for you now? Where is your kingdom? Even that is gone.

Have you observed your body which, due to old age, has become invalid and infirm? Neither can you get up nor can you sit peacefully due to this invalid body. Added to it, you continue to live in the house that belongs to another. Don’t you feel disgusted to live in another’s home? Don’t you feel ashamed? Your attitude surprises me. I have travelled the entire world seeking God but nowhere have I come across a person with a mind-set like that of yours. You are strange. It is not that I disrespect you. I personally hold you in high esteem, but I dislike the fact that you seek to continue to live in another’s home. Why do you still seek to cling to these afflictions and bondages? How long do you think is the longevity of a living being born on earth?

Like a pet dog you live and guard this house surviving the alms that Bhima brings and offers. Do you realize this? Don’t you feel ashamed? These were the people whom you had poisoned earlier. Those whom you had poisoned earlier, feed you today. I fail to understand how you are able to eat such food and live at their mercy.

Previously you had attempted to burn your nephews alive. They were poisoned too. Another time their wife was insulted. Is there any limit to the atrocities that you committed towards them? In order to get rid of them, you experimented upon them every bad thought that arose in your mind. You usurped their kingdom and their wealth in totality. You cheated them in every possible manner. But even then, these compassionate Pandavas, allowed you to live. If these Pandavas had even a trace of your treacherous nature, by now they would have somehow or the other killed you. Their magnanimity is the reason for your existence today.

Although I have attained higher stages in detachment, I am annoyed to see you clinging on to your life. How many more years do you seek to live? You have lived a very long life. You have gone through so much in your life. You assess for yourself the value that is to be given to your life. Frankly, what is it that is left for you now? Yet you seek to cling to that life-force (prana). Does it have any value? What is it that you, who are helpless and invalid, seek to accomplish now in this life?

Life should be free of any burdens. There should be no troubles. One should never be dependent on another. Such life we should aspire to live. Have you ever thought in these lines? Although many times in the past I had explained this you never heeded my advice. In many direct and indirect ways, I have tried to instruct these important principles to you. Is there some anger left behind within you? Living on their food are you trying to harm these Pandavas?

Do you know that, whether you like it or not, this old invalid body of yours is like a tattered, old piece of cloth? It is despicable.

He who attains dispassion giving up infatuation in totality and who without even disclosing his identity gives up this useless body that does not have the capacity to even undertake righteous deeds, is a truly courageous man (dhira)! This is what our elders state”.

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Episode 43: Vidura’s preaching to Dhritarashtra… contd

Vidura continued, “I can see death approaching us shortly. Right now we are endowed with proper knowledge. We also have the capacity to withstand. Therefore this is the right time. Let go of everything and exit from these worldly bondages. As of now you are deeply tied down in this trap called worldly bondages and afflictions. By the time you are loosening one of its knots, you are getting tied down by another. When you seek to escape from this new knot, another few knots are entangling themselves around you. Trying to loosen these knots has become your only task”.

Swamiji explains: Anyway one day or the other all of us have to leave this world. It is inevitable! Even under such circumstances none in this world is inclined to do that one good deed or earn that good name and fame before leaving this body. Previously at least one in a lakh entertained that desire. Now probably its one in a million. In future it could be one in 10 million. Who knows, after that perhaps there would be none left on earth who would be inclined towards good deeds.

There should be total conformity between what is spoken, what is thought and what is done. In other words, only when thoughts, words and deeds are aligned perfectly, a person begins to take the first steps in the path towards God.

“Therefore my dear brother, listen to me. Time is running out. In this world there is absolutely no mechanism by which a living being can escape death. Be extremely alert! The moment when death holds the human being in its grip, he has to distance himself from his life-force (prana) which he treasured the most throughout his life”.

In this world what is most dear to a person? At a broader level, it includes all acquaintances and friends. Getting a step closer we can say that near and dear relatives are even closer than these friends. Spouse is definitely more cherished when compared to other relatives. Children assume greater prominence than even the spouse. However, the wealth acquired by the person is to him more important than even his children; and more important than one’s wealth is one’s own body! A person attaches most importance to his body. He adores his sense organs and his intelligence. And finally, even if he is willing to part with all of these, there is one more secretive thing that is most dear to him. That is his life-force (prāna)!

“When this prāna itself is leaving him and going away, of what use are all other worldly attachments? Prana and he are one and the same. When that flame itself dies down, what else is left? A person can own a golden lamp, he perhaps can afford to use ghee (clarified butter), perhaps even the wicks could be of expensive thread, but of what use are all these when the flame itself dies down? It is because of the flame that we are able to see things. We exist purely because of that light”.

That flame was supported by the wick. The wick was supported by the oil/ ghee which in turn is supported by the lamp base. In this manner the flame expanded its territory and spread everywhere. We at the human level believe, “I am the one who lit the lamp”, “this is mine” etc . The root however was the flame. In this world, the person is able to understand everything else apart from the flame. This flame is the life force! This life force is given by God. All other connections in this world have emerged only because of this life force. Wealth, family and relatives exist only because life force exists! No matter however much you could be attached to your wealth, relatives or to your body, you have to part from them one day!

Narayana! Datta Narayana!

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Episode 42: Vidura warns Dhritarashtra about death which is quickly approaching

A person who is passing by a street accidently hears God’s names ‘Krishna! Krishna! Govinda!’ and with this, he become pure.  It is his sheer luck. Likewise when Vidura bathed in the rivers and ponds, they acquired merit.

Yudhisthira continued, “Yadavas, who have Srikrishna as their Lord, are not only our friends but also our dear relatives. Did you by chance meet any of them? Have you at least heard about any of them? Are they living happily in their cities?”

In response to these questions, Vidura explained about his entire pilgrimage in detail as he had experienced. However he did not mention about the destruction of the entire Yadu lineage which had already been eliminated by then.

The ever compassionate Vidura, who could not see others grieving, did not disclose the news of this destruction of Yadu lineage, which was unbearable to ordinary folks and also because these destructions come by themselves automatically. In this infinite universe and among the infinite plays of that Supreme Lord, this destruction had come on its own accord. He did not disclose this news as the Yadu lineage was very dear to the Pandavas and they would be unable to withstand it.

When we meet our people after a very long period of time, it is incorrect to disclose sorrowful news immediately. Here after many years Vidura had returned home and his relatives were joyfully celebrating his return. At such a time it was incorrect to give them this unbearable news.

This act of Vidura cannot be equated to speaking falsehood. Protecting and ensuring the safety of these people was also his dharma. If the news of departed beings is told and in shock these people give up their life, then it is wrong, isn’t it? Such news should be gradually shared with them.

Yudhisthira considered Vidura at par with God and treated him in a befitting manner. Vidura stayed there for some time and preached the supreme essence (tattva) to his elder brother Dhritarashtra and thus caused his well-being. He continued to cause happiness to all of them there.

Cursed by Maharishi Manḍava, Lord Yama (Lord of death) had been born as Vidura. He was born a Shudra (lowest caste) and lived for 100 years. During that period, āryama was appointed as the Lord of death. Bound by dharma, āryama righteously completed his task of punishing the wicked.

Vidura has a very special place in Mahabharata. Vidura Neeti is a very sacred scripture in Mahabharata. Even greatest scholars worship this sacred text and place it on their head in reverence. Even though by birth Vidura was born in the lowest caste, this text is of immense greatness.

It is knowledge that gives value to a human being, not the caste into which he is born! This is our ancient Indian doctrine! Always bear this in mind!

Whosoever he may be, if he is teaching something valuable or sharing some good knowledge, if he brings about the positive realization in others, if he persuades others to perform meritorious good deeds, he is to be respected! When we are listening to a lesson through the mike, all that matters to us is that the lesson should be audible and we should get the message. Why should we bother about the manufacturing brand of the mike? Likewise to us all those who teach us valuable lessons are devotees of that Supreme Lord Krishna.

Yudhisthira, in addition to raising his grandson the heir-apparent Parikshit, ruled the country wisely together with his younger brothers, who were like guardians of the world. He enjoyed the kingly luxuries and lived happily.

In this way totally involved in administrative matters, palatial luxuries and wealth, the Pandavas lost track of time. Their longevity was coming to an end. Death, which is absolutely unconquerable, neared them.

Every being has to meet death. This is the final maha-prasada that Paramātma gives us. We should not fear death. But yet, with the fear that death will overtake us someday, it is said that we should try to realize Godhead. On the other hand, without worrying about death if a person joyfully and eagerly strives to learn about God, then definitely he will attain the supreme knowledge!

If a person is worried about the impending death and therefore hurries to attain this knowledge, of what use is it? It is nothing but another disguise the mind takes, that’s all. Apart from that there is no benefit. The intellect would have undergone some transformation, but the mind situated deep within would not have been transformed. “I will complete all my charitable activities quickly as it is time for me to depart”. Of what use is this? It is said that during every act of charity, the person should participate whole-heartedly. 

It is said that death is an unimaginably huge well into which every being inevitably falls! There is no escape. Neither can we swim nor can we jump across it. When the time arrives, it simply strikes. Without fearing death, it is important to engage the mind in the service of the Lord.

Death approached even these mighty Pandavas. Vidura, who could foresee this, said to Dhritarashtra, “O great king! Realize that death is arriving to overpower you. Quickly try to get out of this trap called worldly bondages and seek vanaprasta”.

Dispassion (vairagya) should be acquired when the person has the total knowledge (jnana) about it! Of what use is that dispassion which comes when there is half baked knowledge? Trying to acquire dispassion during extreme old age serves no purpose. When the person is healthy and alert he should attain dispassion. Even before death strikes he should perform charitable deeds. This is one way to learn about God! 

“Hence leave for the forest immediately. Give away everything you possess and be detached. Either leave it for your grandchildren or give it away to those who have abided by you. Give away your wealth for the welfare of the world. Be quick. No being in this world can escape death. There is no means for any escape. Such death is now nearing us” warned Vidura to Dhritarashtra.

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