July 4, 2017 archive

Datta maata 47: The ultimate goal of dharma is to prevent extinction of human race.

Dharma is the same in any eon (Yuga). It does not change. The quality of dharma is to protect the human race. A unified form of hundred external procedures also cannot explain about the form of Dharma. Hence, we must forget other dharma and instead follow the dharma that protects human race. Protecting the human race is itself a dharma. Let us discuss about few signs that guide us when we are doubtful about dharma at the time of adversity.

A dharma is something that does not destroy the human race. A dharma that supports the survival of man is the best of dharmas. Remember this. Hence, killing one self or others is a greatest sin. The first and last work that dharma does is protection of the human race.

Hence, we say this is the quality of dharma. In order to follow dharma, there should be certain external practices. But, such practices must not harm the basic idea or inspiration that dharma stands for. Lord Vyasa, Adi Shankara, Jesus and others have purified the society and brought new list of regulations to be followed. They are all indeed great. There are many such stories. But none have declared that they have designed a new system of rules. If someone says so, it is really not the right one. Mahatmas have only told the people that dharma is ancient but the way of interpretation is wrong. They only taught us that we have misunderstood the dharma. Instead, they never brought new dharma or so. They brought dharma into the lives of people in various forms just like we use sugar in different dishes. In this way, they only tried to transform the way dharma is followed but they never ever changed the foundation concept of dharma.

Dharma is that which increases the humanity in people. This is the dharma of humans.

The nature of it is to wish good for every other person even if he himself has to face adversities. Humanity is that which consists of sacrificing of oneself for the well-being of others.

The dharma that you follow must not cause you to develop hatred towards anybody. You must be careful.

To understand this, we must understand well about the desires and anger that destroy the dharma. Another form of desire is selfishness. Desire can destroy dharma in a person.  However anger has the potential to destroy the dharma of the entire human race. Hence, it is important to say that dharma must never foster hatred. With the grace of Datta, who is an embodiment of dharma, may you all get the energy to tread the path of Dharma!

There are many people who are talking about dharma under different names and taglines. However, they cannot change the form of dharma. No mahatma has discovered any new dharma.

Jai Guru Datta! Sri Guru Datta!

Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/datta-maata-47-the-ultimate-goal-of-dharma-is-to-prevent-extinction-of-human-race/

Datta maata 46: God punishes purely to reform the devotee

God is very merciful but you will be punished for your sins. Everybody knows this. Nobody can escape the results of the sins committed. But, out of compassion, God delays the punishment for your sin. If he punishes you as soon as you commit the sin, then you will come to know for which mistake you have been punished and you fear to commit sin. With such fear, that sin will not be committed again. But, the bad attributes that the mind is attached to will not be vanished. There is no inner transformation at all.

For that to happen, one must know that one has committed a mistake and that it causes pain to others. From that pain, affection on others should arise. We must understand this very well. Only when such transformation happens, the bad attributes will be washed away from the mind.

Hence, God, despite having the capability, does not punish. God postpones the punishment till the person attains the sattvic nature. Even if one has attained such saintliness, God punishes. This is because the attitude to commit sin should not arise. This kind of punishment appears tough externally but it involves so much of reasoning filled with compassion. With the efforts of God again and again, human becomes eligible for good births in the future. We must remember this every now and then.

Gradually, the punishments reduce and man tries to attain divinity. This is a very lengthy process and there is no other short cut for this either. Hence, God, out of compassion punishes man for his mistakes only to absolve him of all sins. When man is completely free from sins, he attains godliness. This is the ultimate goal for humans.

Accepting the punishments given by God for our sins is the only best way. Many people blame God for punishing them. They must consider such punishments like blessings. God has mixed both punishments and blessings and created a birth. He gives a break called death in between and further gives another birth. We can take the example of a justice in a court. Just like a man is purified with the punishments given by the justice, he is purified in a similar way when God gives punishments.

We listen to three words very often – Training, Punishment and protection. The one who trains us is giving the punishment and with that we are protected too. God’s way of protection appears initially in the form of punishment. But, we must not blame him. Punishment is a form of compassion. It is the first step. Let this message ring your ears. With the grace of Datta, may you accept the God’s punishments with wisdom! I pray Goddess Basara Saraswathi to bless you.

Jai Guru Datta! Sri Guru Datta!

Permanent link to this article: https://puttugam.com/datta-maata-46-god-punishes-purely-to-reform-the-devotee/


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