August 25, 2017 archive

Srinivasa Kalyanam 40: Fire-god expresses helplessness to cook in absence of adequate vessels

Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Jayee Bhava Jayahe Janani Vijayee Bhava

Srinivasa brought a branch of the Shami tree and Narada came forward and said that Srinivasa asked Him to remind to plant a tree in the ambiance of VarahaSwami . Srinivasa having taken permission of Varaha Swami , planted the branch near His place.

Brahma intended and instructed everyone to have lunch before leaving for Narayana Puram. But Srinivasa had nothing to feed them. Then Brahma advised Him that on the Earth there was a practice of taking loan to meet the expenditure. Kubera came forward to arrange for the loan.

Srinivasa had taken Kubera to the Aswadha, the pepal tree and asked, “Give me some loan as I can not ask in front of every body. In any of my avataras I did not bring anything from Vaikunta or take anything from here. I create my money use it and leave the Earth. But now following the rules of the Earth please lend me some money”.

Then Kubera replied that he was ready to give a loan provided Srinivasa would sign a loan document as per the rules of the Earth. Srinivasa agreed. Brahma had written the document. The document goes like this . “Good wishes. For the purpose of his marriage Srinivasa had taken a loan of fourteen lakhs of gold coins with the symbol of Rama, on the seventh day of waxing moon in the month of Vaisakha and in the year of Vilamba in Kali Yuga. He would have to start repaying from the next year of his marriage. Till then the interest is to be paid”.

Brahma signed as the first witness. From that time He is performing Srinivasa Kalyanam every year and is collecting money . Shiva signed as a second witness. Peepal tree signed as the third witness. Srinivasa gave the document to Kubera and received money.

Every one praised Kubera. Bhajan: Kubera Dheera Jayee Bhava Kumargadoora Jayeebhava….

Srinivasa again gave the money to Kubera and asked him to use it for all the expenditures. Srinivasa sent Subhramanya who was passing by, to call his foster father Agni, the god of fire. He enquired him whether he cooked for the guests.

He replied, “The seven hills are filled with the guests. Not an empty place is left on the hill. I have already made a mention of the vessels and nobody paid any attention to it. Now I don’t have vessels to cook for so many guests.” It is like the story that a man had boasted himself to carry a mountain on his shoulders. When everybody assembled to witness the feat he said that he would carry the mountain provided any one lifted it and kept it on his shoulder.

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Srinivasa Kalyanam 39: Srinivasa takes loan from Kubera, the Lord of wealth, for wedding expenses

Brahma hurried Srinivasa to proceed to the sacred bath. God of rains and God of wind were ready to give Him the sacred bath. Again Srinivasa started His play. Brahma enquired what the matter was.

Srinivasa said in a depressed tone, “I don’t have anyone to take me to the bath. I can not get up or walk”. Srinivasa was acting stubborn. Brahma was surprised why Srinivasa was behaving like this. Srinivasa shouted so that Lakshmi could hear “Who will give me mangala snana ?Srinivasa shouted at the peak of His voice, ” Again Lakshmi came and made Him walk to the bathing place holding His hand, asking “How can suddenly leg pain become hip pain? Get up! There is no pain for you!” Brahma asked Him whether they were all not His relatives to give Him sacred bath. Again Lakshmi came and walked Him to the bathing place, holding His hand, asking “How can suddenly leg pain become hip pain? Get up! There is no pain for you!” She made Him to sit on a seat and gave Him the sacred bath.

Savitri Devi gave a dry cloth to wipe His body after His bath. Parvati gave sacred fragrant benzoic smoke and Sachi Devi fanned Him. Ganga Devi offered foot wear to Him. He was seated on an elevated place, while the Saptarishis were chanting Vedic hymns. Narada and Tumbura, the celestial singers were singing.

Krishna Krishna Hari Kesava Jishnu Vishnu Sada Mamava….

The celestial dancer Rambha and others were dancing. Kubera had offered ornaments and Lakshmi made Srinivasa wear them. Kubera is maintaining the account for every thing. It was the time for evening prayers and rituals. All of us should pray for three times a day. At 6 am, at noon and at 6pm. Close your eyes and pray at least for 5 minutes to your favorite God though you are traveling or in your office. This keeps you away from problems and troubles.

Vasishta asked Srinivasa to pray to His family deity. Sage Agastya came forward and reminded Srinivasa that His family deity is Shami tree and also said that Srinivasa asked him to remind that it would be found near Kumaradhara Teertham when time comes.

Shami Samayate Papam Shami Shatru Vinasini Arjunasya Dhanurdhatri Ramasya Priyadarsini Matrme Kuru Kalyanam Avighnena Surapri Kalaha Sarva Devanam Pragjna satasya Janodbhave.

Srinivasa prayed to Shami tree and asked every one ,who had accompanied him, to circumambulate the tree.

Jaya Jaya Jayee Bhava Jayahe Janani Vijayeebhava…

Srinivasa brought a branch of the Shami tree and Narada came forward and said that Srinivasa asked that when time comes remind him to plant the tree near the place of VarahaSwami. Srinivasa took the permission of Varaha Swami and planted the branch near His place. Brahma said all of them should take lunch before leaving for Narayana puram. Then Srinivasa said that He had nothing to feed them.

Then Brahma advised Him that on the Earth there was a practice of taking loan to meet the expenditure. Kubera came forward to arrange for the loan. Srinivasa had taken him to the Aswadha, the pepal tree and asked, “Give me some loan as I can not ask in front of every body. In no avatara of mine did I bring anything from Vaikunta or take anything from here. I create my money, use it and leave the Earth. But now following the rules of the Earth please lend me some money”.

Then Kubera replied that he was ready to give a loan provided Srinivasa would sign a loan document as per the rules of the Earth. Srinivasa agreed.Brahma had written the document. It follows, “Good wishes. For the purpose of his marriage Srinivasa had taken a loan of fourteen lakhs of gold coins with the symbol of Rama on the seventh day of waxing moon in the month of Vaisakha and in the year of Vilamba in Kali Yuga. He had to start repaying from the next year of His marriage. Till then the interest is to be paid”. Brahma signed as the first witness.

From that time He has been performing His marriage and has been collecting money every year. Shiva signed as a second witness. Pepal tree signed as the third witness. Srinivasa gave the document to Kubera and received the money The peepal tree was the third witness. He too signed. . Every one praised Kubera for his timely help. Bhajan: Kubera Dheera Jayee Bhava Kumargadoora Jayeebhava….

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Srinivasa Kalyanam 38: Lakshmi arrives from Kareveerapuram upon Srinivasa’s request

Brahma was arranging the sacred sticks for the marriage as He was the priest for the marriage. Srinivasa enquired Brahma about the wedding proceedings. Brahma asked Him to first take the sacred bath.

Suddenly Srinivasa started to talk in a depressed voice. He said, “Now I don’t have my Lakshmi with me. I can not be happy without my Lakshmi. I lost my glow. I cannot be happy without my Lakshmi, who normally resides in my heart “.

Brahma said that they would send a message to her. Srinivasa called the Sun and said, “O Padma bandhu! Go to Karaveerapuram. Tell Lakshmi I am not able to move any part of my body. My body is swollen with wounds and I am suffering with severe headache”. The Sun asked Srinivasa why He could not call her since anyway she resides in His heart! She is omnipresent and knows everything.

But Srinivasa said that since was in the form of a human being, he should follow the values of human being.Even in Rama avatara He projected Himself as the son of Dasaratha. So He asked the Sun to perform His duty of bringing Lakshmi to Him.

The Sun went to Karaveerapuram, the place where Lakshmi was residing. The Sun on meeting Lakshmi prostrated in front of her. He said, “O Lakshmi, who lives in the lotus, The Mother of the Universe, Oh Haripriya !! Srinivasa sent me to fetch you as He is suffering from headache, and swollen body and is lying like a log”.

Namastestu Maha Maye Sri Peethe Sura Pujithe Shankha Chakra GadA Haste Mahalkshmi Namostute. Bhajan : Kalaye Hridaye Harivallabhe Kamala Sadayam Kamaneeyam.

Listening to the prayer of the Sun, Lakshmi startled and thought of Maha Vishnu. Lakshmi immediately rushed in a chariot crying “How are you my Love?” There Srinivasa was limping. Putting one hand on Shiva’s neck and another on Brahma’s. She was very much worried to see Him in such a state. She ran to Him and embraced Him. Shiva and Brahma left them alone.

Srinivasa said, “Nothing happened but I am nothing without you. You are the consciousness within me. I can not move without you. I am taking the help of others. I am very happy to see you”. Lakshmi was so surprised with His play. She said, “Are you playing with me also ? What will be the position of others? Brahma and Shiva are also falling prey to your play. of illusion I am nothing before them. I fell a prey to your divine play then itself when the sage kicked You on Your chest. Why have You sent for me? Why did you call me ? Please tell ”

Then Srinivasa replied, “Don’t you remember the other lady, Vedavati who came out of the fire along with you in Rama avatara? You granted her a boon . Do you remember ? I have promised her to marry her in her next birth. You also agreed to that. In this birth she is born as Padmavati. Can we break our promise? Now it is time to marry Vedavati or shall I reject? Shall we return to Vaikunta? I am ready to do what ever you want me to do.”

Lakshmi replied, “Don’t you know my heart? Both of our hearts are one and the same. Whatever You think, so do I. Our opinions are always the same. So whatever You do, I will follow. Vedavati took pains as Sita and You gave her Your word, so don’t go back. I also promised Her in Her previous birth and I won’t break my promise. We should not even change our mind in front of Vishnu, So I cannot change my mind. Decisions are not to be changed.” Every one praised Lakshmi for her decision.

Once we have made a promise in the presence of all Devatas, in the presence of Mother Gowri, we should abide by our decision. Srinivasa was pleased. He now asked Brahma to instruct the next steps to be followed to complete the marriage formalities. Brahma hurried Srinivasa to proceed to the sacred bath.

God of rains and God of wind were ready to give Him the sacred bath. Again Srinivasa started His play. Brahma enquired what the matter was. Srinivasa said in a depressed tone, “I don’t have anyone to take me to the bath. I can not get up or walk”. Srinivasa was acting stubborn. Brahma was surprised why Srinivasa was behaving like this. Srinivasa shouted so that Lakshmi could hear “Who will give me mangala snana ?Srinivasa shouted at the peak of His voice, ” Again Lakshmi came and made Him walk to the bathing place holding His hand, asking “How can suddenly leg pain become hip pain? Get up! There is no pain for you!” Brahma asked Him whether they were all not His relatives to give Him sacred bath.

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