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Charukeshi Raga Sagara

Sunday, March 20, 2011

In the evening, Charukeshi Raga Sagara – music for meditation and healing concert was held in Marana auditorium in Sydney.. Sri. Bhogiraju Rao gave the welcome speech. Sw. Kaliji introduced Sri Swamiji and Sri Swamiji’s music to the audience.  The concert was fantastic. Sri Swamiji played amazingly melodious, blistering fast movements of several Ragas. The concert started with the regular “Pranava Svarupam” in Raga Rushyaketu Priya. Next was Raga Manavati. The composition was a improvisational tune. (No Bhajan). Sri Swamiji had played Manavati Raga in couple of concerts earlier. But this concert’s Raga development was amazingly colorful and brisk. Next was the main part of the concert – Charukeshi Raga Sagara which comprised of three Ragas. The first was Raga Patalaambari – The Bhajan Ishaavaasyam Jagatsada was played. The second Raga was Neelakanthapriya & the Bhajan played was Shiva Shiva Shiva Dhava. The third and the main healing Raga of the day was Charukeshi. Sri Swamiji played the Bhajan – Jaya Jaya Vindhya Vasini.  Sri Swamiji closed His eyes and meditatively played many parts of Charukeshi Raga. Before playing, while giving introduction, Sri Swamiji remembered the Inner Healing CD, which has Charukeshi Raga and the Bhajan Shanti Rastu. Sri Swamiji’s development of the Raga and the play of the Kriti was fantastic. The Tani Avartanam in Shankar Ramesh saw the best of his skills that day. The audience ecstatically applauded his extended and rollicking Mridangam play.  Sri Swamiji then played “raindrop tune” in Raga Madhuvarshini. The concert concluded with Raga Ragini Mangala in Sama Raga.

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